First off, thank you to everyone who has liked or reblogged my art this year! I started in April and posted twice a week, every week, until sometime this fall! In 2017 I created more fanart than I had done in the ten years prior! So, thank you, for encouraging me to keep going.
I couldn’t possibly include all of the art I created this year in my summary so I picked twelve of my favourite, non-sketch Hobbit pieces (and it was hard to pick!):
01. Captain of the Erebor Ravens 02. thorin_dramatic_pose.psd 03. Bilbo of Erebor 04. Flower Crown 05. Treat or Treat! 06. Bilbo’s had enough of your nonsense 07. Grump 08. Mirkwood’s #1 Trainer 09. Teeny Tiny Thorin Comics 10. What if Hobbits were potato people? 11. Gifts from a Dwarven King 12. Train Them With Love
I’m not 100% sure what I’ll be doing for 2018 or in what fandom(s). The Hobbit was a lot of fun but my takes on the characters/subject matter didn’t seem to resonate with very many people. Or maybe there aren’t a lot of people who like AUs in The Hobbit fandom? (Considering 90% of what I create is AU… Haha Imma never stop!) Or… maybe I just need to up my art game which is totally valid! I found that after a few weeks of producing work I quickly settled into an ‘art rut’ that I never managed to break out of.
I’ll figure it out eventually but in the meantime I think I’ll be concentrating on learning new art techniques, experimenting more, and maybe posting less ‘finished’ works and more of my art struggles and sketches in 2018.
Thank you, again. I feel so accomplished and satisfied this year! I almost feel like I am a creative person, again.
Year in review template from yorunaka on Deviant Art. According to Google. XD