Hmmph. Look. Sometimes a lady orc just wants to be pretty, okay? I was reading up on different theories about orc reproduction and it seems to be generally thought that orcs reproduce like any other creature which means there are female orcs. (The evidence behind this is that only Eru Ilúvatar can create life and Melkor simply corrupted some of Eru Ilúvatar’s creations to make orcs.)
Anyhow, I just wanted to draw an orc wearing a flower crown. Given that it’s an orc, I decided to make it out of black-eyed Susans because the name is reminiscent of the violence inherent to orc society. Also, black-eyed Susans stand for encouragement which seemed appropriate. XD You go be the most evilest orc you can be! You got this! Gnarrr! Death to light! :D
Posted for @tolkienweek
Why do I even keep posting what materials I used? I just use the same thing! 0.1mm and 0.3mm Staedtler pigment liners on Paris Bleedproof paper. Coloured in Photoshop. Interesting fact? I am doing cell shading because I don’t have a tablet (BUT ONE IS WAITING FOR ME TO PICK IT UP EDIT: Picked it up last night!) and I’m not dexterous enough to manipulate the touch pad on my laptop to paint properly. XD