Arrrrrrrrgh! Full disclosure, I have only watched the first three episodes of Black Sails. Did that stop me from looking up spoilers and chatting with the talented @medusinestories about the characters?
NO! It did not stop me!
There is a red-headed, polyamorous, bi-sexual pirate captain on this show! How could I stay away? His rage is a thing of terrible beauty. <3
This sketch is a gift for @medusinestories because she’s awesome for putting up with me for so long and also because she’s just posted another chapter of her post-series fanfic, Casting About in the Dark!
The story is Flint/Silver and it made me yell at my screen and then cry. Nothing with those two is ever easy, is it? (Honestly, I yell at the television a lot when I watch Black Sails, too. Ugh. Emotionally constipated back-stabbing pirates bring out the exasperated shouting in me!)