See Thorin Run. Honestly, when Thorin calls Smaug a slow fat slug it’s the highlight of the trilogy for me. Maybe because I’m a natural-born taunter? I mean, it wasn’t the best taunt but considering it was Thorin who had delivered it? A+ for the effort! 

I feel like Thorin doesn’t understand how to taunt someone properly and always ends up sliding into deathly insult territory when he tries. So he doesn’t often try. It’s easier and less offensive to be stoic.

I am proud of myself for drawing Smaug-ball. That is what I call him in my head. I’ve been doing Inktober over on my non-fandom blog and I was inspired to doodle this pic up with Staedtler pigment liners. I have sizes 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 and I tend to make use of all sizes when I do larger works. This one was mostly done with a 0.3 sized pen.